Published on March 2024

10 Reasons Why You Should Consider to Study in New Zealand

New Zealand, also known as the ‘Kiwi nation’ has become one of the most sought study destinations in the world. From its scenic beauty to rich cultural heritage, there is a lot you will love about this mesmerising country.

Many people consider New Zealanders to be among the world's coolest, most laid-back, and kindest people. Actually, according to a 2015 survey conducted by the immigration department of New Zealand, 90% of international visitors to the nation stated that they felt at home and that the people were very friendly as one of the key reasons they chose to study and live in the country.

It doesn’t end here. Let’s take a look at 10 more compelling reasons why you can consider to study in New Zealand without a second thought.

1. High quality education

Undoubtedly, the quality of education in New Zealand is top-notch and recognized globally.Universities in New Zealand follow the British paradigm of excellent education and all 8 New Zealand universities are ranked among the best universities in the world. The colleges are renowned for their excellent teaching strategies, well-equipped labs, and highly qualified faculties. The university enrolment ratio of teachers to students is 6:7 which means students can have good interaction with their tutors. Apart from just learning curriculum, they also focus on improving relevant practical skills that help students bag a job easily.

2. Vibrant campus life

You are of course going to study in New Zealand but ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’. New Zealand has a welcoming campus life. Not only do you study, but you can as well join various clubs of your interest and participate actively in various extra curricular activities organised in your campus. Kiwis love cricket, netball, rugby, and many other sports. When it comes to Off campus, you should take advantage of visiting the beautiful places in NZ. Many colleges arrange for short trips to museums, events, and entertainment which provide opportunities for friendship, personal growth, and cultural exchange.

3. International student wellbeing strategy

The wellbeing strategy for international students was established in 2017. The core principle of this strategy was to remove barriers faced by foreign students. The four key pillars of this strategy are: education, inclusion, health & wellbeing, and economic well being. Assisting students with basic needs like budget friendly food and accommodation, access to health service, safety tips and counselling are some of the practices schools must follow as a part of this strategy.

4. Peaceful country

According to Global Peace Index 2023 reports, New Zealand ranked as the 4th most peaceful country in the world. The Kiwi country is well known for its low crime rates, political stability, safety, and security. In order to ensure safety for its fellow people and visitors, the country has support networks and emergency services to assist when in need. In addition to this, the campus too will have safety measures that make its students feel secure.

5. Quality of Life

Aotearoa (New Zealand in Māori language) has a high living standard. Some of the factors that contribute to the quality of life in New Zealand are clean environment, good education, stable economy, excellent healthcare, decent salaries, plenty of employment opportunities, and a good public transport system.

6. Diversity

New Zealand is multicultural and diverse with more than 200 ethnic groups living in the country. You can very well see the diversity of the country in terms of food, customs, festivals, and traditions. You can get to meet people from various regions like the Pacific Islands, Asia, Middle-East, Europe, and many more. Not to forget the nation's own Māori culture and local citizens who are friendly and welcoming.

7. Work while studying

If you are an international student with New Zealand student visa, you can work up to 20 hours per week during weekdays and full time during the weekends. In addition, if you work part-time relevant to your field of studies then that will be an added advantage of experience which 46% employers consider. This not only provides you an an income to meet your needs but also provides ample opportunities to connect with people around.

8. Beauty of the country

The unique and stunning landscapes with pristine beaches, snow-capped mountains, geothermal areas, lush forests, epic fjords and what not contributes to the beauty of this island nation. Outdoor adventurous activities like surfing, bungee jumping, skiing, skating, hiking are what you should experience at least once. It is no wonder that New Zealand is a popular destination for wildlife lovers and nature enthusiasts.

9. Student accommodations

New Zealand provides numerous types of accommodations like university halls of residence, dormitories, homestays, off campus flattings or private rentals. With distinct features, atmospheres, and amenities, each kind accommodates a range of budgets and preferences

10. Climate

In general, the far Northern region has a subtropical weather during summer while the alpine region of the South can get as cold with -10 degree Celsius. However, most of the country is along the coastline which means that there will be moderate rainfall, mild temperatures, and abundant sunshine.

Stayback opportunity is yet another point to note. If you have successfully completed your study in New zealand, depending on the course post-study visas can be applied for. The 12-month validity of the open visa is extended to all international students. After their open visa expires, students can continue working in a specified position for two years if they have an employer-sponsored visa. You can apply for a skilled migrant visa to become a permanent resident of New Zealand after completing your degree.

Studying abroad is a wonderful experience where you can learn a new country, its cultures and values. Being a part of a friendly, welcoming, and culture-rich country like New Zealand will give you ample opportunities be it for studying, working, gathering, or expeditions. Many agencies offer new zealand visa for Indian students and you can use the opportunity to follow your dreams.